Paul R Tabiner DMS

In life we all have our ways of thinking, acting, reacting, and responding to events, situations, problems, crises and people. This applies in our private, professional, family, working and social lives. The results can at best be great or at worst catastrophic and can therefore be good for our health and well-being or a major source of stress and poor health, not only for us but those we interact with.

I have found that studying Ged’s three books and having the opportunity to talk things through with him on several occasions has helped me to assemble a toolkit which enables me to try and think, act, react and respond in ways which are more likely to achieve better outcomes. Only recently what appeared to be an all consuming negative issue was put into perspective for me by reviewing Ged’s third book and discussing things with him.

I am a family man and prior to retirement have been a leader in business (as CEO of a large property ownership, management and care organisation with circa 650 staff) and in community organisations. If Ged’s books and his mentoring had been available to me and my staff earlier, I can think of many occasions when we could have produced Amazing results and with much less stress.

Paul R Tabiner DMS
Previous member of IEH and CIH.