Andy King – Director, Miova

Ged is one of the most insightful and caring people I know. His genuine passion for people and his desire to help them be a better version of themselves is proven over a number of years that I have known him. Capturing the essence of his approach in his books has been a master stroke as he can now reach more people easily and spread his message and wisdom in a way that can inspire and enthuse others in such a way as to get the best out of their life through thinking differently and more positively. In the context of modern society and the increasing strains on everyone’s mental health, I feel that these books and the services Ged can provide are of the time. If you are seeking support, guidance or just want to understand yourself better, then I would encourage you to engage with Ged through his books, in person or both. You certainly won’t regret it.

andy king miova director and consultant

Andy King BA Hons
Chair of GM Active. Director of Miova and Independent Consultant.